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What traits are contemporary managers in Africa lacking the most?

18 October 2017

The Paylab.com salary portal completed an employee survey on the characteristics that contemporary managers lack the most. The survey is part of PAYLAB COMPENSATION MONITOR which observes on regular basis trends related to remuneration. Paylab asked employees over the world and also in Africa to evaluate their direct supervisor. How do employees view present-day leaders in Africa? What kind of relationship do they have with their direct superiors?

Answering ‘what are your salary expectations‘ during an interview

18 September 2017

Probably this is one of the questions that come last during the interview and most candidates dread the money question. It is therefore important to prepare yourself to answer as it is almost guaranteed that this will be asked in any interview. Of course, not preparing enough can have negative consequences.

Increasing your earning power through your resume

19 December 2016

First impressions are really important. Infact, you don't get a second chance to make a first impression. This can't be far from the truth when it comes to your resume. A resume presents an individual background and skill(s) in a summarized form and used most notably when securing a new employment.

5 Salary Negotiation Mistakes to Avoid

19 December 2016

Knowing salary negotiation techniques will put you at a better chance of increasing your earning potential. This article will focus on 5 techniques you want to avoid which could either result in a much lower job offer than you expected or possibly, and even worse, loose the job offer altogether.

Are you underpaid? These could be the reasons…

9 December 2016

Employees and those going for a job interview like to know what a fair salary is. The former wants to find out this by comparing what they are currently earning with others in the same position or industry. That requires having a look at market data available.

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